Friday, May 23, 2008


Geneva is the opposite of Phnom Penh - a world where magical realism is back to front. Where magical reality doesn't come to you, but where you have to conjure it up - to reconstruct it and imagine it. Yet.... crazy things do happen here - perhaps not magical - but they happen. And this is the Blog where you will hear about it. This is not Macondo. This is ODNOCAM!

Ginebra es lo opuesto a Phnom Penh - es un mundo en el que el realismo magico esta al reves! Donde la realidad magica no se acerca, donde te la tienes que crear e imaginar. Sin embargo aca pasan cosas raras - tal vez no magicas - pero ocurren. Y en este blog se las contare. Esto no es Macondo. Esto es ODNOCAM!


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