Monday, June 26, 2006

Flora and Fauna - Flora y Fauna

Hace dos semanas fuimos a Sihanoukville - a la playa...donde hay un museo de reptiles y serpientes. Confirmamos que la serpiente que matamos en el jardin era una cobra!!! Se llama Indochinese Spitting Cobra - escupe veneno ademas de morder!!! Que lindo...

Two weeks ago we went to Sihanoukville - to the beach and there is a reptile and snake museum. We confirmed that the snake that was killed in our garden was a cobre. It is known as the Indochines Spitting Cobra - its spits venom as well as bitting its prey!!! How nice!!!

On the nice side of things here is a picture of a common Gecko!!! They are everywhere and we have many living with us in the house. They're great because they eat mosquitos and stay away from humans. They cry out in the evenings a call that sounds like "Ghe - Kho" ... hence the name I suppose....Although in Khmer they say "Chin - cho"... They are very cute...

Del lado positivo de las cosas aca tienen una foto de un Gecko!!! Estan por todas partes y tenemos a varios viviendo en la casa con nosotros. Son excelentes porque se comen los mosquitos y huyen de los humanos. En las noches gritan "Ghe - ko" ---- me imagino que por alli viene el nombre. Aunque en Khmer dicen Chin - cho. Son muy bonitos....

Less cute a very poisonous centipede - standing right next to my bed!!! One colleague told me it comes from the scorpion family - ???? The guard said it is very dangerous and should not be messed with. He killed it by cutting it up into little squares!!! Ha ha ha.

Menos bonito es este cienpies venenoso que encontre al lado de mi cama!!! Un colega me dijo que viene de la misma familia que los escorpiones - ???? El guardian dijo que era muy peligros y a temer. Lo mato cortandolo en pedazitos!!! Que horror!!!

After the mango season - we are now harvesting custard apples - they are not as nice as latin american chirimoyas but nonetheless quite tasty. Plus it is amazing to have all these things growing in the garden. Here is a picture of other common local fruits - very beautiful... what do you think?

Despues de la cosecha de mangos - ahora estamos cosechando chirimoyas en el jardin - aunque no tienen el mismo gusto que las chirimoyas latinas - no estan mal. Lo increible es que todo esto cresca en el jardin. Aca les envio una foto de otras frutas comunes locales - que bonitas no?


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