Sunday, February 18, 2007

Merezco un premio - I deserve a prize

El viernes lleve a Santiago al colegio - como todos los días - en el carro. Solo que esta vez Santiago decidio traer y tocar su flauta - todo el camino - 25 minutos sin parar! Logre manejar, esquivar el trafico absurdo de Phnom Penh, no matar a nadie y sonreir todo el camino hasta llegar al colegio!

Mi madre (que nos esta visitando) escondio la flauta el viernes en la tarde! Para eso estan las madres!

On Friday I took Santiago to school, like I do every day, in the car. Only this time Santiago decided to bring with him a recorder - and play it all the way to school - all 25 minutes of the journey! I managed to drive, through the crazy Phnom Penh traffic, without killing anyone and still smiling - all the way to school.

My mother (who is visiting us) hid the recorder on friday afternoon... That's what mothers are for!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Couldn't resist posting this picture of Santiago at Danny's son's wedding... He is standing with Annette Danny's eldest daugther.

Santiaguito disfrazado para el matrimonio del hijo de Danny... en esta foto aparece con Annette la hija mayor de Danny.

Cosas ricas pa' comer - Lovely things to eat

How many of these animals can you identify? Click on the image to magnify it!

Cuantos de estos animales logras identificar? Haz click en la imagen para agrandar la foto!